Garlic Mustard

Garlic mustard is an invasive plant that was originally brought here to be used as a medicinal herb. It is high in vitamins A and C and has a distinctive garlic taste and smell. In the first year of growth, garlic mustard forms a basal rosette which consists of kidney-shaped leaves with scalloped edges and deep ‘winkles’. In the second year stalks form and the leaves grow off of it alternating sides; they are more triangular and have deeply toothed edges. It also grows clusters of small white flowers, each with four petals and a yellow centre. Garlic mustard invasions have the ability to blanket forest understories which can reduce the growth of native plants including sugar maples and trilliums. By reducing the native plant populations the wildlife populations will also decrease, many native butterflies rely on the forest plants to survive. The soil ecosystem is also damaged due to reduced fungi quantities, this prevents native plants from being able to re-establish. Garlic mustard can be removed fairly easily by hand pulling, it is important that the plant is pulled from the base of the plant and that the majority of the root system is pulled out with it. Once the plant is removed it must be bagged to ensure that no seeds escape and disposed of in accordance to local waste management procedures.




For more information on this event contact:

Lauren Bell                                                   Deane Greenwood
Project Coordinator                                      Trails Coordinator & Community Liaison
Invasive Species Centre                               Sault Ste. Marie Region Conservation Authority
Direct (705) 541-5749                                  705-946-8530 ext. 1007          

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