The SSMRCA operates under the direction of a Conservation Authority Board which is currently comprised of five municipal representatives, four from the City of Sault Ste. Marie and one from Prince Township. In February 2004, the City of Sault Ste. Marie and the Township of Prince signed an agreement that increased the number of Board members from four to five members to be appointed by the City of Sault Ste. Marie. The agreement is available for viewing and/or download at the bottom of this page.
The board meets monthly, typically on the third Tuesday of each month. The board agendas and minutes are available to view on our Board Meetings page. Regular Board meetings are open to the public and currently are Hybrid Meeting (In Person / Electronic), In-Committee meetings are closed to the public and are required in order for Board Members to consider confidential information. For members of the public interested in joining the meetings electronically, please contact the General Manager, Corrina Barrett, at to make arrangements.
The board elects a chair and vice-chair each January to serve for the coming year.
Each Board Member is responsible for taking an active role in guiding the activities of the SSMRCA. Municipal representatives keep their local municipal councils apprised of the programs and projects of the Authority and act as the liaison between the CA and the municipality. A Chair and Vice-Chair are elected annually from the membership and each board member is entitled to one vote.
Ideally, Board Members represent the interest of all people served by the Authority, are aware of conflicts of interest, honour confidentiality, approach all Board issues with an open mind, are prepared to make the best decision for the whole organization, live up to the trust of those who appointed them or those they serve and focus their efforts on the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the Conservation Authority.
Collectively, Board Members provide direction and lead the Conservation Authority.
Phone |
Sault Ste. Marie
Sandra Hollingsworth, Chair | | (705) 542-8194 |
Marchy Bruni | | (705) 971-0029 | |
Corey Gardi | | (705) 941-0489 | |
Ron Zagordo, Vice Chair | | (705) 989-6307 | |
Prince Township
Vacant | | (705) 779-2992 |