Keep your eyes open for "Drinking Water Protection Zone" signs!
We all want clean, safe water for the future. Protecting our drinking water at its source is the first step.
Locally, our drinking water comes from two sources: groundwater wells and a surface water intake from Lake Superior.
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and the Ministry of Transportation installed signs on provincial roads near drinking water protection zones. These road signs show where pollution or spills could have a significant impact on municipal drinking water sources.
The signs are part of Ontario's Source Protection program under the Clean Water Act, 2006 which empowers communities to protect their local water sources.
The Drinking Water Protection Zone signs are located close to the Steelton well on Second Line West and the Goulais well near the corner of Second Line West and Goulais Avenue. These zones are provided with special protection under the Sault Ste. Marie Region Source Protection Plan – a local plan developed under Ontario’s Clean Water Act, 2006.
The Sault Ste. Marie Region Conservation Authority and the City of Sault Ste. Marie have been working together to implement the policies in the Plan since it can into effect in July 2015.
Why Protect Sources of Drinking Water?
- to protect public health
- to avoid the cost and need to clean up contaminated water
- to reduce the cost of water treatment
- to eliminate the need to search for new drinking water sources when existing ones become contaminated or depleted
- to ensure a long-term supply of safe and clean municipal drinking water
Potential Sources Of Contamination
- Oil/Gas Handling and Storage
- Road Salt
- Household Chemicals
- Solvents
- Fertilizers and Pesticides
What Is A Drinking Water Protection Zone?
A Drinking Water Protection Zone is an area scientifically identified that contributes water to the municipal groundwater wells. The water that we drink comes in part from underground in each protection zone.
What Do The Drinking Water Protection Zone Signs Mean To Me?
When you see these signs posted, you should pay extra attention to your land-use activities in these areas. That means what you do on the land could affect the water we drink.
How Can I Help Protect Our Water?
- Reduce the amount of road salt applied to driveways, sidewalks and parking lots
- Limit your use of fertilizer and pesticides
- Use the Household Hazardous Waste Facility for items such as old paint, used oil and battery disposal
- Use Green Cleaning Supplies and limit your use of chemical cleaning products
- Report spills to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change - Spills Action Centre at 1-800-268-6060