Current Watershed Conditions
Sault Ste. Marie Region Conservation Authority (SSMRCA)
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East Davignon Flood Control Channel

The East Davignon Flood Control Channel was completed in 1978 and is 1.08 km in length. This channel was designed to protect areas of Korah Road and Douglas Street from severe flooding. It extends from Rossmore Road to Farwell Terrace where the creek enters an underground aqueduct.

East Davignon Flood Control Channel

Routine maintenance of the flood control channels involves grass cutting along the top and banks of the channels to discourage brush and other vegetation from becoming established within the flood control channel and obstructing the flow of water.

East Davignon Flood Control Channel      East Davignon Flood Control Channel

Brush and accumulations of sediment are removed from within the channels as annual operating funds allow. Unfortunately the need for vegetation removal exceeds the resources available annually. Each year brush removal efforts that can be accommodated are undertaken on the most urgent areas.